Granted I don't get blocked to the Chaos Plains ( man I hate that, but what can one do ) I still kill everything in just under a hour. But for some reason the Bone Pitts take just as long and the fastest time I had in the Labrynth was 35 minutes.
I use Lesser Energy, EBSOH, and Sliver armor and work the groups to maximize the killing speed. Also Hard Mode helps in that reguard since they all attack faster.
I know there's a debate on what gives more ecto, NM or HM, but the burning build works too slow for me, and I like killing Aatxes. Also I like getting Gold weapons but I swear I'm cursed and get the crappiest mods in the game. ( crappy being mods I don't use, lol )
I ussually get 4-6 ectos a run, but yesterday i got shut out and was watching TV and died half way through the Plains twice.